The main fridge is kind of boring: milk, water, produce, english muffins, individual soy milk, grapefruit, salsa, hummus, and on and on. But, I had a bit of a revelation taking the pic of the inside of the fridge door. It made me realize I have seven different mustards: sweet & spicy, dijon, jalapeno, honey, brown, etc.

They're all in one section of the door. I had no idea I was so into mustard, but apparently I am, because I like them all. There are also two horseradish containers in that section. I also never realized that my mustard and horseradish are fridge friends, but somehow it makes sense. This got me to thinking how a refrigerator is a lot like a high school cafeteria with so many cliques that hang out together. Of course, there's the typical vegetables, fruit and beverage cliques, but then there's little duos like salsa and hummus who hang out together in the fridge. And now, as I've realized, mustard and horseradish. I consider these the alternative kids, those good at writing or drawing, who give life flavor. ;)
Julia Elliott